
Lung 癌症 is the leading cause of 癌症 death worldwide, accounting for about 2.诊断出200万名患者.每年有800万人死亡.The two main types of lung 癌症 are non-small cell lung 癌症 (NSCLC), 这代表了80-85%的患者, 和小细胞肺癌(SCLC), 更具侵袭性和快速生长的癌症类型, 约占15%的患者.2-3

The earlier we can detect and treat lung 癌症, the closer we are to cure.4-5 不幸的是,早期诊断并不总是现实的.6

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在很多情况下, lung 癌症 goes undetected until it is in advanced stages or the 癌症 comes back after initial treatment.6 For these patients who experience recurrence, outcomes are especially poor.4-5 有意义地改善结果, we are prioritising lung 癌症 research to increase early screening and diagnosis and address the significant unmet need for treatments at every stage of the disease continuum. 


Our portfolio of approved and potential new medicines in late-stage development spans different histologies, 疾病的几个阶段, 治疗路线和作用方式.7 澳门葡京赌博游戏的方法是由精准医疗驱动的, using groundbreaking science to further our understanding of lung 癌症 and deliver medicines matched to the patients who can best benefit from them. This includes thinking differently about the underlying biology of lung 癌症, from early stages – where we aim to help patients live longer and 癌症-free – to late stages, 澳门葡京赌博游戏希望有意义地延长生存时间. 



While many new treatments have focused on advancing care for metastatic patients with a high unmet medical need, 澳门葡京赌博游戏优先将治疗推向早期肺癌. 才能真正治愈癌症, we need to treat earlier to maximise the potential for long-term disease remission and the possibility of cure.6 为了实现这个目标, we have launched more than a dozen Phase II and III clinical trials evaluating our Immuno-肿瘤学 and gene-targeted therapies in earlier stages of disease.7 仅在免疫肿瘤学领域, we now lead with the largest proportion of Phase III trials in early disease across the industry, 在NSCLC和SCLC环境中有许多正在进行.7


作为肺远大联盟的创始成员, a partnership of organisations driving forward meaningful improvements for people with lung 癌症, we have the ambitious goal to eliminate lung 癌症 as a cause of death. To meet this goal, the Alliance advocates for improved approaches in three key areas – 

1. 提高筛查率和诊断检测.

2. 加快创新药品交付.

3. 提高护理质量.

最近和正在进行的倡议包括政策报告,如 肺癌筛查:不作为的代价 which outlines the opportunity presented by lung 癌症 screening to reduce costs while saving lives; strategic global, 区域和地方合作, 就像 爱的人 using artificial intelligence to improve early lung 癌症 diagnoses; the ILC2 补助计划 which funds non-profit initiatives with transformative potential for patient care; and efforts to study oncology endpoints to accelerate drug approvals in earlier settings of lung 癌症.8

关于Lung Ambition联盟


澳门葡京赌博游戏的激情、澳门葡京赌博游戏的员工和创新文化推动着澳门葡京赌博游戏前进. 澳门葡京赌博游戏重视勇气, 好奇心, 具有协作精神和学习热情, and we encourage disruptive thinking where failure is an opportunity to learn – the freedom to take risks without fear of failure.


“I am passionate about developing medicines to improve the outcomes for patients with 癌症 and developing the skills and experience of the people within my team" Susan Galbraith,肿瘤学研究中心执行副总裁&D


  1. 世界卫生组织. Globocan 2020概况介绍. 可在:http://gco.研究.fr /今天/数据/资料/数量/ 900 -世界-事实表.pdf. 2021年9月访问.
  2. 美国癌症协会. 什么是肺癌? 可在:http://www.癌症.org/癌症/lung-癌症/about/what-is.html. 2021年9月访问.
  3. 国家癌症研究所. NCI词典-小细胞肺癌. 可在:http://www.癌症.gov /出版物/字典/ 癌症-terms / def /小细胞肺癌. 2021年9月访问.
  4. ASCO. 肺癌-小细胞. 可在:http://www.癌症.net/癌症-types/33776/view-all. 2021年9月访问.
  5. ASCO. 肺癌-非小细胞. 可在:http://www.癌症.net/癌症-types/lung-癌症/view-all. 2021年9月访问.
  6. LUNGevity基金会. 筛选 & 早期检测. 可在:http://lungevity.org/for-patients-caregivers/lung-癌症-101/screening-early-detection. 2021年9月访问.
  7. 澳门葡京网赌游戏. 临床试验附录. 2021年上半年业绩更新. 可在:http://www.AstraZeneca PLC.com/content/dam/az/PDF/2021/h1-2021/H1_2021_results_clinical_trials_appendix.pdf. 2021年9月访问. 
  8. 肺志联盟. 可在:http://www.lungambitionalliance.com. 2021年9月访问.